Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thing #9

I found the Edublogs' award winner's site very easy to navigate and found one blog I added to my RSS feed.

I found this outstanding article titled "What is the Future of Poetry?" as a link on one of the blogs and I will definitely share it with my AP students when we start in August.

I was excited to check out the library blogs on suprglu, since I'm always looking for new feedback into good books for teens, but that site wouldn't work for me. Also, I don't have the SBISD access code, so I couldn't check out atomic learning, but I've used that site before with success. I found the site a little overwhelming, especially after navigating it for a bit--I kept trying to remember things I wanted to go back to and check out, but I was also constantly clicking on other links to take me places! I'm amazed at whoever aggregates all of this data and newsfeeds and blogs into these sites; it's overwhelming to think how much is out there to corral together!

Thing #8

Oh my, do I like this one! What do I like about the RSS feed...hmm, so much! I like that I can get updates on my friends' blogs and not have to spend time searching around--I just found out a girlfriend is having twin girls! At first, I thought that it would take away from some of the fun of browsing around on a news website, since I like stumbling onto articles I wouldn't read at first glance, but it turns out, it's all there, just sans advertising, which I love! In terms of school, I am not sure how I'd really apply this, unless I had students create their own blogs or webpages or something, and used this to follow them and check assignments. However, it would be cool if teachers, librarians, etc., could have students set up their own reader to keep themselves posted. Also, I liked how the video explained RSS feeds, broken down so that technological neophytes like myself could figure it out.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thing #7

I looooooove google earth! Ever since I was young, I enjoyed poring over and creating maps of places I visited. I had fun typing in the addresses of all of the places I've lived over the past 30 years and seeing them again!

I created a Picasa account and uploaded some pictures. I must say that many of these applications didn't really appeal to me, though. I enjoy my privacy and don't like the idea of having to make all of my appointments, pictures, etc., public to people I know. It kind of creeps me out to think that my stuff is out there in the vast interwebs. I also cringe to think of some of the things that students may upload onto such a site if I were to have one for the class.

I created a google alert for "Heart of Darkness," and I'm interested to see what comes of it. I would definitely use this function during the year as I complied lit crit and other information on the texts my students were reading.

Thing #6

I just had waaay too much fun creating trading cards; now my son and two dogs have one, and I'm working on a particularly embarrassing one for my husband! I'd love to have my kids do this as an alternative assessment when they finish a novel--create a playing card for a particular character that demonstrates their understanding of that character. Very cool. I was excited to try bookr, but I had a hard time figuring out how to find the pictures...going to go back and look at that one again.

Thing #5

This fall, I'll be doing a Dickens unit, so--a bust of Dickens! Perfect! I did some exploring on the flickr site and I like how I can bring a lot of actual pictures into my class, as opposed to random graphics. Happily, this isn't blocked by the district, either!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thing #3

This was definitely the most difficult task yet--who knew it would be so hard to choose what my avatar would wear--who knew I was so vain?!?! :)
Setting up my blog proved to be easy in one regard but difficult in another--I am so indecisive and wanted to choose a number of different skins! I'm also always afraid I'll forget some important information! Now I'm looking forward to moving on and finding out some more "things" to add to this, with my ultimate goal being a fully-functioning blog for my APLit class that will actually be a useful, interactive resource throughout the year!

Thing #2

The habit that I found to be easiest was Habit 4--Having confidence in myself as a competent, effective learner. I start things that I have a genuine interest, not necessarily a skill, in, but I go into it thinking that I'll either be able to do it or be happy to push myself to do so!
The habit that is the hardest for me is, ironically, habit #6--using technology to my advantage. I suppose I'm a bit of a luddite and always fear that technology will either fail me when I need it most or it will take away from something that I have great affection for (ie, the Kindle vs. paper books). This fear was realized in the past when my beloved tapes made way for CDs and now digital format!
I do consider myself a lifelong learner, though, and I think that it is something that I got from my parents, who to this day, continue to pick up new hobbies or visit new places or try new things. I consider it a great gift from them!