Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thing #2

The habit that I found to be easiest was Habit 4--Having confidence in myself as a competent, effective learner. I start things that I have a genuine interest, not necessarily a skill, in, but I go into it thinking that I'll either be able to do it or be happy to push myself to do so!
The habit that is the hardest for me is, ironically, habit #6--using technology to my advantage. I suppose I'm a bit of a luddite and always fear that technology will either fail me when I need it most or it will take away from something that I have great affection for (ie, the Kindle vs. paper books). This fear was realized in the past when my beloved tapes made way for CDs and now digital format!
I do consider myself a lifelong learner, though, and I think that it is something that I got from my parents, who to this day, continue to pick up new hobbies or visit new places or try new things. I consider it a great gift from them!


  1. and won't they be proud and curious about all the good stuff you will put here!

  2. We love our books, don't we?? I have been doing some strange reading this summer. I just finished Dog Boy. It's about a 4-yr-old, abandoned in Moscow, who is taken in by feral dogs. It was brutal, but I couldn't put it down!
